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It is practically gospel that ‘to whom much is given, much is expected’. Indeed, one good turn deserves another.

The good people of Oyo State are delighted with Governor Seyi Makinde’s outstanding performance and are determined to offer him a contract renewal of his mandate for another four years as the people’s Governor.

The Executive Governor of Oyo State, Engr. Seyi Makinde was conferred the title of Atáyése of Ibarapaland by the royal father and the Forum of Ibarapa Traditional Obas and Chiefs, as a result of his undisputed service and incredible stewardship. It is not surprising that he is one of the most admired leaders in the country and he is incredibly popular in the State.

Atáyése in Yoruba means someone who makes life better for the people which demonstrate the character of Governor Makinde selfless service to humanity.

It would be recalled that Ààre Jagunmolu of Ibadanland was conferred on His Excellency by the late Olubadan of Ibadanland, Oba Saliu Adetunji for his steadfastness in business of governance.

The Atáyése title preceded Governor of the Year Award bestowed on Governor Makinde by the Vanguard Newspaper recently among others. According to the Vanguard Media, the Newspaper confers the honour on Governor Makinde as a result of his exceptional service in the field of education, health, and infrastructure development.

Another notable award confers on Governor Makinde is the Silverbird Man of the Year Award by Silverbird Group for massive infrastructure development and repositioning of education sector in the State. The annual award is given to outstanding individuals, corporate bodies and public officials who have positively impacted the lives of Nigerians.

Also, Nigerians in Diaspora through its communique led by Omituntun Initiative in the Diaspora (OID) commended the great feat of His Excellency, Governor Seyi Makinde for his noble and landmark achievements in all sectors.

In similar vein, the first Oyo State Investment Forum organised by Oyo State Diaspora confers an Award of Excellence in Governance on Governor Makinde for the establishment of Oyo State Diaspora office. They commended His Excellency for the good work his administration is doing in the State which has transformed the lives of the citizens.

The Best Performed Governor Award conducted by the Global Coalition for Security and Democracy in Nigeria (GCSDN) for exemplary performance was won by Governor Makinde.

The criteria for the prestigious award centered around infrastructure development, prompt payment of salaries, respect for human rights, innovations and level of indebtedness. According to the organisers, Governor Makinde tick all the right boxes and beat Governor Ben Ayade of Cross River State, his Delta State counterpart, Dr Ifeanyi Okowa among others to win the award.

Worthy to mention is the Most IT Compliant State among the 36 States of the Federation given by the Federal Government which Governor Makinde bagged as a result of his administration’s investment in the information and communication technology (ICT) sector as the best in the country.

It is often said that ICT is the new global oil and gold mine therefore, Engr. Seyi Makinde with his rational thinking has strategically positioned Oyo State to fully key into global digital economy for maximum gains.

In addition, Governor Makinde won the Best Governor Award of the Year in security and youth empowerment organised by the Leadership Excellence Award for identifying the critical nexus between youth unemployment and insecurity.

Governor Makinde’s innovative intervention in security architecture, sports development, agribusiness and MSME support to empower vibrant youth demography have yielded tremendous results for the benefit of the teeming populace.

In northern part of Nigeria was another deservedly chieftaincy title by the Emir of Katagum, Bauchi State, His Royal Highness, Alhaji Umar Faruk Umar II who graciously confers the the title of “Giade Yama of Katagum” on his Excellency, Engr Seyi Makinde. The chieftaincy title is a testimony and attestation of his selfless service to humanity.

With the series of chieftaincy titles and various awards among others bestowed on Governor Makinde by traditional rulers, group of individuals and corporate organisations, is evident that the distinguished Governor has endeared himself to the the good people of Oyo State in particular, Nigeria in general, and the traditional leaders who are custodian of our tradition and culture.

It is obvious Governor Makinde’s leadership sagacity and excellent performance in less than four years of his first term at the helm of affairs in Oyo State has restored the lost glory of the State.

The fortunes of Oyo State has improved since the introduction of Omituntun 1.0- Accelerated Development plan 2019-2023 in the last three and half years.

In moving Oyo State forward, the authentic dream of Omituntun 2.0 – Sustainable development plan 2023 -2027 shall never die, as it is truly transformational that will drive sustainable economic development of the Pacesetter State.

Certainly, Governor Makinde has set in motiion his geand vision dubbed Omituntun 2.0 which will move the State from Accelerated Development to Sustainable Development for the overall benefit of the citizens, moving the State from poverty to prosperity.

Without a doubt, Governor Makinde being a visionary leader, an honest man, has given a good account of himself and meritoriously deserves a second term in office for continuation and sustainability of good governance in Oyo State.

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